


treasure - noun - "any thing or person greatly valued or highly prized"

I love treasures. 

All kinds. 

Especially treasures that once were treasured by someone else. 

I recently went to the thrift store and discovered a belt that featured a keyhole. It has a label on the back and I haven't been able to discover much of anything about the company....other than that they produced a lot of belts in the 1980s and 1990s. "Charmant Belts, Inc." in Beverly Hills. 

Back in 2016, Justin lived in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. We were long distance during our season of dating, and we'd visit each other on weekends. We went to an estate sale, and I found another Charmant belt. Now that belt has a pair.

Time to incorporate more belts into daily wear. 


New Year

January 1, 2025

A new year of possibility

There is such joy at the sound of a beloved song coming through the speakers! I got to hear my all-time favorite today, and it felt like a special gift.

3x5 by John Mayer.

The entire song feels like a relic now. It's a tune about photographs (and more broadly
...about presence and grasping) written before cell phones included built in cameras. 

"Oh, today I finally overcame
Tryin' to fit the world inside a picture frame"

And my other favorite lyric is..."You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes - It brought me back to life."

Dear ones...2025 is here.
And I hope it's a year of full presence for you. May we all find a way to embrace more moments. May we notice where we are...and who we're with...and the glorious, perplexing mystery of it all.

I'm still deciding on a word of the year.
Do you have one picked out?
