
CSA Box: Lettuce Wraps

Here's a quick and easy recipe!
My CSA boxes from Featherstone Farms are getting more and more full!
This week contained all kinds of greens, herbs, strawberries, and asparagus.
But if I'm not intentional, I am not able to use it all before the next box arrives.
Here's a way to use lots of veggies in one recipe.
(Bonus: it's low cal!)

Ingredients: lunch meat, pickles, hummus or other dip

More ingredients: Big lettuce leaves

Herbs: oregano, dill, cilantro

Even more ingredients: radishes

Step #1: Lay out your lettuce leaves (I used two per wrap)

Step #2: Layer your ingredients on top!  Dip/hummus on the bottom - and then add whatever veggies/herbs/meat you'd like!

Step #3: Wrap it up!  Yum!  I used toothpicks to hold them in place until I was ready to gobble them right up.  So yum-yum!  

Bonus:  Look at this amazing gift I received!  A magnetic giant squirrel!  He has more than 20 extra pieces that can be added for the different seasons.  As you can see, Mike and Ike (the piglets) were very excited to meet Mr. Squirrel.  For more M & I adventures, be sure to explore "The Piglet Chronicles."

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